Welcome to Kingsland Elementary!
Welcome to the Lions' Den of Kingsland Elementary School (KES), where students are taught to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready!! I am excited to start another school year as principal. It is a pleasure to work with caring, competent educators, secretaries, custodians, cooks, bus drivers, parents, and students who roar and then soar when faced with challenges. As always, we look forward to a rewarding year of academic growth.
At KES, we aim to build stronger relationships with parents to strengthen the bridge that our students cross everyday between home and school. We encourage parents to become involved by joining our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). We also welcome parents to walk your child into the building in the morning, stay for breakfast, return for lunch, volunteer in the classroom or media center, and attend school events such as parent-teacher conferences, school assemblies, student performances, PTO, school council, and Title I meetings.
Parent input is important to us. Please take advantage of the opportunities to provide feedback by participating in various surveys throughout the school year. To stay informed regularly visit the KES website and "Like" us on Facebook - Kingsland Elementary School and Kingsland Elementary PTO.
Please feel free to contact me if you have suggestions, questions, concerns, or just a good story to share. I may be reached me at (912)729-5246 or
Dr. Karon Y. Ellis