Media Center
Parent Resource Area
Parents, the Media Center invites you to visit our Parent Resource Center. You are welcome to use the books in the Media Center, or you may check them out. The Resource Center is open during school days from 8:30-4:00. You will find books as well as other materials on a variety of parenting topics.
Search the Catalog
Search through our collection here: Destiny Library Catalog
Destiny is an online database of books and materials in the Media Center. You can search by author, title, subject or key
word to locate items.
Learn to Type for FREE
Check out this typing website!
Typing Club is a free, online program that will assist with learning and improving typing speed and skills, which is more and more important for the future! Students may create an account in order to save their progress, and track accuracy and speed. This is a self-paced program. With the holiday break coming up this website would be a greatcure to the “I’m bored blues” but, more importantly, help prepare students for future online testing!
Useful Links
Digital Citizenship
Kingsland Elementary School’s digital citizenship vision is that all students in grades 1, 2, and 3 will become responsible digital citizens by participating in the Common Sense Digital Citizenship program. Our goal is to equip our students with the skills and information necessary to become responsible, productive, respectful, and safe users of technology. Utilizing the lessons created by Common Sense Media our students have been learning how to safely navigate the internet and how to properly take care of their equipment. These lessons were taught over a six week period and as a culminating activity the students created alphabet books which were presented to the pre-k and kindergarten classes and will become part of their classroom library.
Please visit the site below for more information on how you can help your students continue to develop into informed digital citizens.
Parenting, Media, and Everything in Between
Online Resources
Brain Pop Jr. - Brain Pop
Parents who are interested in obtaining a home subscription may visit the website.
This is FREE to Georgia schools and educators. Galileo is a virtual library that provides access to over 100 databases. GALILEO's Kids' Page, intended for users between grades three and seven, has age-appropriate databases and Internet resources for elementary and middle school students. It can also be used by students and parents at home.Email media specialist for the password to use at home.
Recommended Websites for Elementary School Students - This is a link to Camden County's list of recommended websites.