Email Maura Fegel

Maura Fegel
Director of Assessment & Accountability
The purpose of the Georgia Student Assessment Program is to measure student achievement of the state-adopted content standards and to use assessment results to improve teaching and learning. Results of the assessment program are utilized to identify the extent to which students have mastered the state's academic content standards, to provide teachers with feedback about instructional practice, and to assist local education agencies (LEAs) in identifying strengths and weaknesses to establish priorities in planning educational programs.

The Assessments of Learning
Test Security

Performance & Progress
The College and Career Readiness Index (CCRPI) provides stakeholders with information on the performance and progress of our district and schools as compared to the other Georgia schools, districts, and the state.

Regular reports posted on GOSA improves communication between Camden County Schools and stakeholders regarding federal and state education accountability initiatives.

Ensuring Compliance
Compliance with GaDOE accountability systems ensure that our district meets the accountability requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

CCRPI Reports
District and School performance in relation to CCRPI is reported annually through The Governor's Office of Student Achievement.

Content Mastery
Measures student achievement in core academic subjects such as English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Evaluates individual student growth over time, regardless of their starting point.

Closing Gaps
Assesses the performance of student subgroups and how effectively the school is closing achievement gaps.

Indicates how well the school is preparing students for the next level, such as college and career readiness

Graduation Rate
Measures the percentage of students who graduate from high school on time.