You are your child's first teacher. These pages have been provided so you can better help your child succeed. As parents, you can provide opportunities for your child.
Parent/School Communication
The progress of students is greatly enhanced when the school and home work together as a team. Parents are encouraged to confer with the teachers, counselors, and administration throughout the year. To provide the children with as much instructional time as possible and to endure adequate time to confer with the teacher or other school personnel, conferences should be scheduled by calling the office to prearrange a time convenient for parents, teachers and others involved.
Note: Conferences may be scheduled through the classroom teacher, counselors, or the office. Teachers may not be called from classrooms to meet with parents or to speak with parents on the telephone during their instructional time.
When parents have questions or concerns about their children, the first line of communication should be the classroom teacher. If concerns or questions are not resolved, contact with the school counselor or assistant principal is appropriate. Should concerns remain after that contact, communication with the principal is in order. Meetings with teachers and administrators may be scheduled as needed. Questions or concerns about school policies or procedures should be directed to administrators
Notification Of Student Absences
At the elementary and middle school levels, student attendance will be taken at the start of school. Phone calls indicating student absences will begin at 9:00 am. A parent/guardian transporting a student to school and arriving after the start of school may receive a phone call indicating the student is absent. These students will be marked tardy for the day, but because of the timing of the tardy, an absence call may go out.
Parent Survey
Each spring, parent surveys are distributed for the purpose of planning the following year's parent involvement activities. Please access and complete the Title I parent survey on your child's school website.
Parent Protocol During School Crisis
In the event a crisis arises, Camden County Schools would like to ask your cooperation by following the procedures below. In times of potential crisis, it is imperative that each party know their role and proper procedures to follow to ensure safety for everyone. Each school has developed an Emergency Operations manual which states school personnel expectations and how they are to interact with emergency personnel.
Call the Board of Education for information: (912) 729-5687.
Follow all directions of site barricades and signs.
Please do not approach Emergency Personnel.
You will be instructed at the site where the Family Reunification Site is for child pickup:
Anyone picking up a child MUST have picture identification.
Any child removed from the premises MUST be signed out with school personnel.
If other than the parent, it must be someone listed for pickup at the school.
Seclusion And Restraint For All Students Rule
The State Department of Education approved Rule 160-5-1-.35 Seclusion and Restraint for All Students, Code JGF(2), O.C.G.A 20-2-240.
The use of physical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs except in those situations in which the student is an immediate danger to himself or others and the student is not responsive to less intensive behavioral interventions including verbal directives or other de-escalation techniques. All physical restraint will be immediately terminated when the student is no longer an immediate danger to himself or others or if the student is observed to be in severe distress.
The written policies governing the use of physical restraint are outlined in the online policy manual.