
Lexile Information

Column 1 shows grade.
Column 2 shows the range of Lexiles in which the middle 50% of readers fall at a grade level. 25% of students fall below this range and 25% above.
Column 3 shows the
"stretch" text measures (defined in 2010 through studies related to the development of the Common Core State

Standards for English Language Arts) and represents the demand of text that students should be reading to be college and career ready by the end of Grade 12.

  • Promotes family-school connections

  • Know your child's Lexile

  • Know your child's Lexile range

  • 50L above and 100L
    below their reported

  • Lexile measure. This range represents the boundaries between the easiest kind of reading material for vour child and the hardest level at which he/she can read successfully.

Use the Lexile Find a Book Database to find books in your child's Lexile range.